Smilecare Dental Clinic
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  • 111 Chiswick High Road
  • London,
  • W4 2ED
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Credit cards accepted: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Solo. (Protected by TrustWave)

The Smilecare Dental Health Plan offers discounts on routine treatments of 15%. Discounts exclude laboratory fees and Invisalign treatment. If treatment is recommended, our Smilecare Team (Charlotte, Jan or Rachel) will print out details of the treatment and the exact cost and go through where savings apply on the Smilecare Dental Health Plan.

If you are concerned about the costs of dental treatment or find the charges difficult to understand, please ask for an explanation, it is important to us that you understand every aspect of your care with us.

Fee Guide

New Patient Examination
Digital Periapical Diagnostic X-Rays for Heavily Restored Teeth and Periodontal Care
£22.00 per X-ray
Existing Patient Examination
Child Examination up to 11 Years
Older Child and Teen Examination From 12 Years Extensive Patient
from £58.00
Extensive Assessment Eg. for Implant Assessment and Complex Restoration
£250.00 - £450.00
CBCT scan (Cone Beam Computed Tomography) including report
Digital Orthopantomogram (OPG) X-ray
Digital X-Rays
£22.00 per bite-wing
Hygienist (60 mins)
Hygienist (45 mins)
Hygienist (30 mins)
Fissure Sealants
Fluoride Varnish Application
Crown or Bridge Re-Cement
£200.00 - £300.00
Implant Crown Re-Cement
£300.00 - £400.00
Extractions and Surgicals
from £200.00 - £690.00
Root Canal Treatment Carried Out by Visiting Endodontic Specialist Adi Moran
from £995.00 - £1695.00
Tooth Coloured Fillings
from £266.00 - £450.00
Composite Onlay Where Patient opts for filling instead of a Crown
Implant Assessment
£250.00 - £450.00
Implant Including Implant Crown
from £4300.00
All Implants Are Carried Out by Our Registered Prosthodontic Specialist Oliver Quinn
Premium Crowns, Bridge and Veneers
from £1100.00 - £1895.00 per unit (price dependent on complexity and/or specialist input)
Full or Partial Dentures
from £1500.00 per unit
Tooth Whitening for Home Use with custom made trays
£449.00 (2 arches)
Orthodontic Retainers / Night Retainers/ wire retainers
£250.00 - £400.00
Bespoke Michigan Splint for Jaw Problems
Night Guard to Protect Teeth From Grinding
from £225.00
Sports Guards
from £100.00 - £195.00

Get in touch

Smilecare Dental Clinic
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  • Get in Touch
  • Call 020 8994 2548
  • 111 Chiswick High Road
  • London, W4 2ED
Contact Us